Nic Cage is perhaps America's classiest actor - a National Treasure, who is also guilty of the most insane frivolous purchases - owning 15 mansions, 4 luxury yachts, a private island, a $30 million private jet, 16 foot geode, 2 albino cobras, a shark, a crocoodile, shrunken pygmy heads, a T-Rex Skull (Nic Cage Outbids Leo on T-Rex Skull), and a $150,000 octopus he claims helps with his acting. In order to sustain said purchases he has starred in an impressive number of cinematic features. When Sir Dr. Cage departs our earthly plane he won't be burried in any old casket. No, he'll be entombed in a pyramid in New Orleans.

The challenge is to watch all these films in a year, hence the term "A Year in the Cage!". A total of 7,724 mins of Nic Cage cinema is to be watched (129 hours of cinema - 2 hrs longer than Aaron Ralston had his arm trapped in a boulder). Said films have had budgets totalling $2,698,853,762 (estimated), and gross revenue of $4,246,829,175 (estimated).

After each viewing reactions/thoughts, notable quotes/ "Cagisms" (Great lines from Mr. Cage and co-stars), Freakouts, Kills, and a "Cage Rating" will be recorded. This is sure to be a truly epic year of watching all 75 Nic Cage Movies (That's an average of one movie every 5 days)!

The Rules (according to this authority)
  1. All Nicolas Cage films must be watched within 1 year! It doesn’t matter which movies you have seen previously or how many times you’ve seen them. This includes everything from 1981’s “Best of Times” to anything in the theaters on the final day of your journey. You'd better start now because Mr. Cage isn't about to stop creating art which means the longer you wait, the harder it gets.
  2. You must stay in the CAGE! Once a Nicolas Cage movie is started it should be viewed through to the end credits. Pausing for potty breaks/snacks/beer/emergencies is encouraged, but a movie cannot be checked off the list until it has been completed.
  3. As a movie is watched you must comment on it an dpost thoughts/experiences for others to follow/validate your progress.Once the year is complete induction into the St. Nicolas Cage Society can commence.

If you're nerdy or bored and want to read about how I built the page using python libraries to scrape web pages you're in luck! Read all about it here.

Click on a title thumnbnail to get more information about a film.
(lightened images haven't been watched yet)